Drawing Symposium – Correspondence 01 April 2023
In association with the Dobell Drawing Prize and the Festival of Drawing, the NAS Drawing Department stages a biennial Drawing Symposium. The theme for 2023 was Correspondence and I was invited to participate by developing a conversation/presentation with leading Japanese artist Hiraku Suzuki who asked me to be involved in a project of his in 2020 after seeing my posts on Instagram.
We titled our talk Mutable Portals, and it was presented wth me in Sydney and Hiraku in Tokyo. The hour-long structured conversation provided an opportunity for the audience to be introduced to Hiraku’s extraordinary art practice, collaborative projects and teaching strategies. Since 2021 he has been an associate professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Global Art Practice.
You can learn much about Hiraku’s work at hirakusuzuki.com